Patient considering a P Shot Los Angeles treatment

P Shot Los Angeles

At Gents Doctor, under the expert care of Dr. Sabour, we specialize in innovative solutions for men’s health and wellness, including the revolutionary P Shot (Priapus Shot) treatment for erectile dysfunction. Utilizing cutting-edge techniques and a personalized approach, the P Shot is designed to harness your body’s natural healing abilities to improve sexual performance, enhance sensation, and restore confidence.

Our commitment to excellence, combined with Dr. Sabour’s extensive experience and compassionate care, positions us as the premier provider of the P Shot. At Gents Doctor, we are dedicated to delivering results that not only meet but exceed your expectations, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care in a supportive and discreet environment.

Enhancing Sexual Performance with the P-Shot

Enhancing Sexual Performance with the P-Shot' at Gents Doctor: Men's Health Centers

Employing platelet-rich plasma therapy, the P-Shot introduces a novel approach to enhancing sexual performance. Benefits include:

  • Improved sexual stamina
  • Stronger, firmer erections
  • Boosting your confidence
  • Revitalizing your sex life

But the P-Shot isn’t just about enhancing performance. It also addresses erectile dysfunction issues, including those arising from prostate cancer surgery.

Unlike temporary solutions like TriMix injections, the P-Shot aims for long-term improvements. The growth factors and proteins in the P-Shot stimulate cellular repair and regeneration, leading to natural erections and a rejuvenated sexual experience.

How the P-Shot Works

The effectual mechanism of the P-Shot is hidden within its process. The procedure involves injecting a concentration of platelets from the patient’s own blood, known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP), into the penis to promote tissue growth and improve erections. To create the PRP, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn and processed in a centrifuge, a completely closed system that ensures the highest sterility standards to isolate platelets effectively.
The procedure includes:

  • Applying a numbing cream or local anesthetic to the genital area
  • Drawing a blood sample
  • Processing it to isolate PRP
  • Injecting the PRP into targets in the penis

This outpatient procedure is typically completed within an hour, allowing you to return to your daily activities swiftly.

Benefits of the P-Shot

The P-Shot provides an array of advantages that transcend mere enhancement of sexual function. The treatment promotes firmer erections and increased blood flow, leading to an invigorated sexual performance. Many men have observed enhanced results from medications like Viagra or Cialis after receiving the P-Shot.
Moreover, the P-Shot offers the following benefits:

  • Encourages self-healing using the patient’s own platelets
  • Leads to healthier penile tissue
  • Potential increase in size
  • Assists in correcting damage caused by diabetes
  • Improves sexual health in affected individuals
Discovering the P-Shot in Los Angeles at Gents Doctor: Men's Health Centers

The Best P-Shot in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, a city renowned for its advanced healthcare services, is at the forefront of the P-Shot revolution. This innovative procedure, aimed at enhancing male sexual health, is gaining popularity and acceptance, thanks to its impressive results. The trusted Gent’s Doctor, located in the heart of LA, is one of the premier P-Shot providers, meeting rigorous standards and guaranteeing reliability for those seeking the treatment.

However, achieving sexual rejuvenation is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Finding a clinic that satisfies your needs and expectations is of utmost importance. This is where advice from a healthcare professional and an independent doctor can play a significant role, helping you gain confidence in choosing the right P-Shot provider.

Dr. Sabour: A Premier P-Shot Provider in Los Angeles

Dr. Sabour: A Premier P-Shot Provider in Los Angeles at Gents Doctor: Men's Health Centers

Gents Doctor is a standout name in the realm of men’s health services. Nestled in Beverly Hills, this private practice led by Dr. Majid Sabour, a family medicine board-certified physician with over 25 years of experience, provides extensive services for men’s health. Gents Doctor’s holistic sets them apart in treating:

  • Erectile and sexual dysfunction
  • Hair restoration
  • Low testosterone
  • Weight loss
  • General wellness
  • Anti-Aging

Dr. Sabour’s expertise and knowledge about the P-Shot service, in particular, is a focus point. He combines his vast experience to address men’s sexual health issues, ensuring that each patient receives personalized care that addresses their specific needs.

Choosing the Right Clinic for Your P-Shot

Choosing the Right Clinic for Your P-Shot at Gents Doctor: Men's Health Centers

The task of selecting the appropriate clinic for your P-Shot treatment might appear overwhelming; however, platforms like RealSelf can simplify this process. RealSelf offers a platform to compare different clinics, verify qualifications, and read reviews from patients who have undergone the procedure. The RealSelf Verified badge serves as a key indicator of a clinic’s credibility and can assist in the decision-making process.

Genesis Lifestyle Medicine stands out as one clinic that provides a complete P-Shot experience. By emphasizing minimal discomfort through the use of local anesthesia during the procedure, Genesis Lifestyle Medicine ensures a comfortable and seamless experience for patients.

The P-Shot Treatment Experience

Your path to enhanced sexual health at Gents Doctor commences with a free consultation and a physical examination. This allows the medical team to understand your specific needs and tailor a treatment plan that is most suitable for you. The P-Shot procedure at Gents Doctor is non-invasive, takes about 30 minutes to complete, and requires no drugs, surgery, or downtime. This quick and easy treatment allows you to get back to your daily routine in no time.
It’s normal to experience mild side effects post-treatment, such as swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection site. However, these side effects are temporary and usually resolve quickly, ensuring a smooth recovery.

Preparing for the Procedure

A few straightforward steps are involved in the preparation for the P-Shot procedure. To reduce the risk of bleeding and inflammation, patients are advised to discontinue the use of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Naproxen, and Aspirin for 5 days before the P-Shot. It’s also important to avoid nutritional supplements with anti-inflammatory properties, such as Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Flax Oil, and Curcumin, 5 days prior to treatment.

Furthermore, patients should abstain from consuming alcohol and smoking cigarettes for 5 days leading up to the procedure, as these can affect the body’s ability to heal efficiently and impact blood vessels, including the formation of new blood vessels and the circulation of red blood cells. On the day before and the day of the P-Shot treatment, staying well-hydrated is advised to facilitate an easier blood draw.

Lastly, patients should shave the treatment area within the 24-hour period prior to the procedure to ensure the area is prepared for treatment.

The P-Shot Procedure

The P-Shot procedure is an uncomplicated and direct process. It includes the following steps:

  1. A blood draw from the patient’s arm.
  2. Processing the blood sample in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from the other blood components.
  3. Applying a numbing cream or local anesthetic to the penis prior to the injections to ensure there’s no pain during the procedure.

The PRP procedure for penis enhancement involves the following steps:

  1. The patient’s own blood is drawn.
  2. The blood is processed to extract the platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
  3. The PRP is then injected into specific areas of the penis, targeting regions crucial for sexual function. The entire process takes approximately 60 minutes from start to finish. The best part is that patients are able to resume sexual activities on the same day, about four hours post-procedure.

Recovery and Results

The post-treatment recovery process for P-Shot is swift and straightforward. Patients can typically resume their normal activities immediately, although it is advised to avoid sexual intercourse and intense physical activity for a couple of days to prevent infection and promote a smooth recovery.

The positive effects of the P-Shot can last from 12 to 18 months, with some patients requiring periodic follow-up treatments or yearly maintenance to sustain the benefits. While some patients might experience immediate improvements in sexual health, typically results are evident within a few weeks, and maximum benefits can take up to 2-3 months to be experienced.

For optimal results, the use of a Vacuum Erection Device (VED), also known as a penis pump, is recommended following the procedure.

P-Shot Cost and Insurance Coverage

Considering the cost of the P-Shot procedure is a crucial aspect. On average, a single P-Shot procedure costs around $981, as reported by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in 2020. However, the specific fee can be influenced by several factors, including the geographic location of the clinic and the healthcare provider performing the procedure.

It’s important to note that health insurance typically does not cover the cost of Priapus shots, positioning the treatment as an out-of-pocket expense. Always check with your insurance provider to understand what costs you may need to bear.


In conclusion, the P-Shot treatment offers a groundbreaking solution for men seeking to improve their sexual performance and health. With providers like Gents Doctor offering this innovative treatment in Los Angeles, men have a reliable option for addressing sexual dysfunction. While the P-Shot procedure is generally safe, consulting with a board-certified urologist is critical to understand the procedure fully, its benefits, potential risks, and to determine if it’s the right treatment for you. In the quest for sexual rejuvenation, the P-Shot is a beacon of hope, illuminating the path towards improved sexual health and wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Priapus shot, or P Shot, uses natural growth factors that come from platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to treat ED. The plasma is filled with growth factors and proteins that activate stem cells and stimulate cellular repair and regeneration. Also, PRP helps with the production of collagen, tissue repair, and the formation of new blood vessels. When injected into specific areas of the penis, it can restore the functionality of the penis for full erections.

If you are experiencing ED this treatment can be a great solution. It can benefit almost anyone because it is nonsurgical and natural, so there are no adverse side effects. The best way to know if this treatment is right for you is through a consultation with one of our specialists at Gents Doctor.

As healthy tissue from the P shot returns to the penis, you can experience various benefits, such as:

  • Improved Blood Flow to the Area
  • Increased Sexual Stamina
  • Enhance Sensitivity
  • Stronger and Firmer Erections
  • Increased Length and Girth of the Penis
  • Fewer Chances of Premature Ejaculation
  • What Happens During the Priapus (PRP) Shot?

When you come in for your Priapus shot, the procedure will begin with a numbing agent that is applied to the penis. While the numbing agent is taking effect, some blood will be drawn from your arm. The blood will be placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the rest of the blood. This is where the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) comes from. The PRP is injected into specific areas of the penis. Once injected, this will stimulate the body’s growth factors. There is no recovery time from this treatment and most men notice an immediate improvement. There will be a continual improvement for the next 2-3 months after the procedure.

Results from the Priapus shot have been shown to last for up to a year. If you would like to maintain your results, repeat treatments can be scheduled.

If you are experiencing ED and want a nonsurgical, natural solution then contact the team at Gents Doctor to talk about the P Shot. To make an appointment, contact the Beverly Hills office today!

Men experiencing sexual performance issues, erectile dysfunction, or Peyronie’s disease are good candidates for the P-Shot. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional to determine if the treatment is suitable for you.